About Us

Mission Statement

Valley Growers offers competitive bids through quality, price, integrity, and focus on service delivery.

Single point of contact

vicqui guevarraVicqui Guevara, President
Tel: 503-651-3535
Fax: 503-651-3044
Email: info@valleygrowers.com

About Valley Growers

Established in 1992 with hardworking and dedicated employees, it’s one of the largest NW native container wholesale nurseries in the Portland metro area.

Over the years, Valley Growers has carved a niche into contract growing for agencies in the metro and surrounding areas. Larger landscapes are now demanding native wetlands, riparian and restoration development, and native trees and shrubs more than ever before. Valley Growers is meeting this need.

Our native plants have been used in large green belts throughout Oregon. We offer bareroot contract grow.

  1. Employee Diversity
  2. Uniqueness
    1. Green Industry
    2. Minority-Owned Company
  3. Integrity

Core Principles

1. Stance on ethics and social responsibility

Valley Growers Nursery & Landscape, Inc. was founded in October, 1992 to primarily help employ women & other economically disadvantaged people to provide nursery products and landscape services to our own landscape jobs, and later on to the green industry, local government (Cities, States, Counties), and Federal government.

Our motto is “to create an environment that uplifts your spirit”. That means a lot to us because we truly care about our environment by growing native and non-native, wetland, and groundcover plants improve our ecological balance in the state we live in. Because of construction and other man-made and natural calamities, we lose a lot of natural resources, and we would like to contribute to restore them back in their natural settings.

Valley Growers’ founders believed in the golden rule – “do unto others as you would like others to do unto you”. We are a Christian-based company that rely on Christian ethics/beliefs/values. We believe that God has provided each one of us with a special gift, and it is our responsibility to share that gift with others so that others may benefit from them. We also believe to “do our very best, and God will do the rest”.

2. Competitive Strategy

A. Quality: We always strive to do our best to deliver a finished product or service on time, and within budget.

B. Price: Valley Growers nursery products are within, if not lower, the market value in the green industry.

C. Focus: Serve our customers and our ultimate goal is to make them happy by saying what we do, and do what we say. In other words, we try to fulfill what we promise to each customer. We built our integrity in the industry for almost 20 years and that will stay as long as we have the strength and the ability to do it. Our customers are our focus we treat them as the “most important people in the industry”. We still practice the saying that “customers are always right”.

3. Employee Diversity

Valley Growers has a group of diverse employees. We have people of different ethnicities abilities working for us of different educational and experience backgrounds.

We value our employees because our philosophy is ” to treating our employees right because happy employees perform better”.

4. Uniqueness

In the green industry (nursery side of the business), we are innovative and pioneer things that are not in the market yet and start from scratch. We are one of the first nurseries that started Pacific Northwest native plant propagation and custom growing. Valley Growers is also a minority-owned company.

5. Integrity

Our customer is king and we say what we do and do what we say.

Accreditation & Licenses

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